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Primary 5 Kirklandneuk

Friday, June 4, 2010


This term our science topic is Solids, Liquids and Gases. We have been learning lots by using the Smartboard and carrying out experiments. When completing our experiments we have been writing up science reports explaining each stage. One pupil in particular, Mr Aiden Kelly, has shown a wealth of knowledge about our science topic-well done!

Talent Show Enterprise

Primary 5 have been working away to organise a talent show for the whole school. Each class has been informed to nominate one act from each class who will then perform in the show on the 24th of June. The children have been working in different departments to get the preparation work complete. Particular praise must go to the script department who were so enthusiastic and hard working. I am sure it will be an event to remember!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Commonwealth games photos

Here are some photographs from our successful enterprise event run by primary 5 for primary 4. Thank you primary 4 for your lovely thank you letters.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Scottish Poems

Today Miss McKee was pleasantly surprised as she heard the class recite their Scottish poem 'Circus". Not only were most of the class eager to say their poem in front of the class but also the standard was so high it was very difficult to choose! In the end Miss McKee chose 8 of the most confident speakers and each member of the class voted for their top 3. Our top 3 winners were Ewan, Jay and Amy. Well done to everyone. Ewan, Jay and Amy will need to keep practising as only one person can be chosen to recite their poem at the P6 Burns assembly on Friday 22nd January. Good luck!!!

Commonwealth Enterprise Sports Event

We are now well underway with the preparations for our sports event with primary 4. The class has been responsible for organising the events that will take place, how primary 4 will be organised into teams and will then be responsible for running the event on the day. It will be a lovely way for us to finish off our topic.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Commonwealth Games

We have been enjoying our topic this term in many different ways. We have made our own timelines on the history of the Games by choosing the most important pieces of information with our group. All groups worked really well and did well working in the time limits set.
Mrs Sloan set us a challenge to find out about some of the Commonwealth members and use that information to design a sports t-shirt for the country we were given. The results are looking very good and will soon brighten up our topic wall.
We have also been investigating the tradition of the Queen's Baton Relay and we will soon be designing our own baton.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Primary 5 are now joining the P6 and P7 athletes. A good start as you can see from the photos!